Fibro Fix Blog — functional medicine

CBD and Chronic Pain 3
Chronic pain conditions continue to be among the top reasons people visit their physician, and this is rising.
Maintaining Lung Health during the Wrath of Winter Flu Season 0
Being proactive about maintaining good lung health and function is very important to make yourself a much less susceptible target for these more virulent infections, such as the flu.
Bowel Function and Regularity – Part 2 0
In this part, we’ll move to the other end of the spectrum, to constipation. According to the National Institutes of Health, constipation implies fewer than three bowel movements per week.- David Brady
- Tags: constipation diarrhea diet fiber functional medicine gluten free health nutrition stomach issues weight loss

Bowel Function and Regularity – Part 1 0
When it comes to bowel function and elimination, some people’s bodies are so precise they could stand in for the atomic clocks at NASA. For others, bowel movements are so infrequent that each one is cause for celebration. Diarrhea and constipation are opposite extremes of bowel dysfunction.- David Brady
- Tags: bowel function constipation dairy free diarrhea functional medicine IBS lactose intolerance

B12 – Brain Support for All Ages 0
Another vitamin that’s critical for generating and maintaining healthy tissue is B12.
Medium-Chain Triglycerides: Offering Up Brain-Boosting Ketones 0
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) can provide the body with ketones even in the absence of carbohydrate restriction. Because of their chemical structure and carbon chain length, MCTs are metabolized differently from long-chain fatty acids. They do not require bile for emulsification, and pass readily into the portal circulation, where they are broken down into ketones, which can serve as fuel for many different tissues, most notably, the brain. The richest sources of medium-chain fatty acids are coconut and palm kernel oils, but isolated MCT oils and fortified beverages are now available.- David Brady
- Tags: Alzheimer’s Disease brain boosting cognitive functional medicine Ketones MCI MCT MCT's